Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am currently involved in a public speaking group that shall remain nameless. As part of the ritual initiation, they make you do an 'ice breaker' speech. Nothing says good times like standing in front of a group of strangers and talking about yourself for 4-6 minutes for no purpose other than torturing yourself in an effort to become immune to the torture.

Point being, its the first speech you give---and this is my first attempt at blogging. The difference is vast, I have always loved writing and in our fast paced world, this seems like an efficient way to not only get the ramblings out of my head and noodled onto paper, but also as a way to keep in touch with family and friends that I might not have the time to correspond with.

With the exception of my grandma, everyone will have access to this online journal of sorts and I know you all are clamoring to know what is new and exciting with me. So hold on my dear friends---I will blog your mind!

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